Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chronic/Acute pancretitis

  • There are several types of chronic pancretitis and they tend to mimic pancreatic carcinomas.
  • Causes fibrosis and chronic inflammatory cells are usually present and a marked distortion of the lobule is usually present.
  • Eventually chronic pancreatitis will lead to a complete loss of aciner elements and ducts as the gland is replaced by fibrous tissue.
  • Acute pancreatitis involves a rapid inflammation of the pancreas which is usually caused by gallstones or alcoholism.
  • Symptoms of Pancreatitis may include abdominal pain, nausea, considerable weight loss, and the development of diabetes.
  • Elastic ducts often due to ductal obstruction are often found in patients with pancreatitis. (Mills ET AL 2007).

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