Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pancratic neoplasm

  • Metaplasia when cuboidal non-mucinous epithelial change to tall columnar cells with abundant mucin. This condition can form the beginning of a ductal neoplasm. Mucinous metaplasia is now regarded as the early stages of pancreatic intraepithial neoplasm.
  • Oncoytic changes are also common in centroacinar cells, oncoytic metaplasia may effect intercalated and intralobular ducts. This condition may be associated with chronic inflammatory process.
  • Islet Hyperplasia as a increase in the size or number of the islets relative to the normal islet volume at a given age. Conditions associated with islet hyperplasia include Beckwith-Weidmann syndrome, maternal diabetes, Eryroblastosis fetalis, and hyperinsulinemic hypogycemia (Mills ET AL 2007).
  1. Beger H.G., Matsuna S., Cameron J.L. ED. (2008) Diseases of the pancreas current surgical therapies. Springer.
  2. Campbell and Reece. (2005) Biology Seventh edition. Pearson Education Inc, San Francisco.
  3. Hill., Wyse., and Anderson. (2008) Animal Physiology Second Edition. Sinauer Associates Inc, USA.
  4. Mills. and Stacy. (2007) Histology for Pathologists. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

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